Sunday, November 3, 2013

How Schools Kill Creativity

Ted Talk: Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity

"I think there is a huge problem to define: what the Intelligence is?, we always define this in terms of notes, we are actually educated to be "clones", forgetting the most precious idea in the human kind: we are all different, and it´s useless try to establish who is outstanding and who is "normal", outstanding on what? in follow orders? because we are all different and we have different capacities, some of us are really good on sciences, others on sports, others on arts and there is no way in winch one person good on arts could overpass another good on sciences if they perform a test focus on sciences, because their minds essentially work different, I saw how something so simple as perform additions and subtractions it´s understood with different mind process from one person to another, so what is the point? the point is that we can´t be educated with the assumption that we think on the same way and we have the same skills because we don´t, and this is killing our creativity and our spirit because we never found our skills, our personality, because our educational system only admits one correct answer and one correct behavior."  -Eder Aguilar

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